Sunday, January 8, 2023

Indian men need to stop taking crushes and one sided love seriously: Bhaveen Sheth-Indian MGTOW

A tragic incident that took place last month in the national capital made me angry. Some young men threw acid on a young school going girl just because she had rejected the love proposal of one the men.

Indian men have a problem of taking crushes on the opposite gender seriously and fantasizing about one sided love. They can't take a no for an answer or handle rejection. What is wrong with our men these days.  It is human to like someone but you can't expect the other person to like you as well. While this behaviour is found all across India, the attacks by jilted lovers on females predominantly is seen in North India where there is deep feudal and patriarchal mindset. But then this is not only in the case of young boys only. I have read cases wherein men could not handle matrimonial rejections and turned violent, then there are cases where men sitting in high position , be it politics, government or corporations take a liking for young girl and do all things possible to woo her. If she rejects these advances the men turn vengeful and do everything in their powers to harm the women.

Indian men need to stop taking Bollywood movies, web series and those insts-youtube reels seriously. Love is mutual and not one sided. Getting rejected is part and parcel of life. There is nothing to get offended about it or take is personally. These days young Indian men are under peer pressure that they must have a girlfriend just to conform and look cool. I would like to put some sense in the heads of these men that there is more to do with your life than just have a girlfriend.

If you happen to be a young male reader, please note that life is filled with a lot of challenges ahead. Go work on yourself, read, up skill, work on your fitness,travel, make more friends, socialize. Chasing females is not going to help you, not having a girlfriend does not make you a failure. For those who are in their 30's an 40's, just because you are in a powerful position does not mean that you can throw your weight around on young women and charm them. Mind you, just one complaint by the woman and you are done, the police and courts will not listen to your so called true love, crush story.

Focus on yourself. Just thought of spreading awareness and educating distraught men and jilted lovers.

Bhaveen Sheth

Indian MGTOW

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