A year has ended and another has started. A decade has come to an end and another has just begun. In all this the Indian MGTOW wishes all his followers a very happy new year. I hope this year brings peace and prosperity to all my fellow Indian MGTOW's and single Indian Men.
A lot has changed in our society and our country over the past few years. The MGTOW movement has finally come to India and spread across the country. More and more men have started joining this movement and are experiencing radical changes and transformations in their lives. The Indian MGTOW is happy to see that.
Whatsapp groups of MGTOWs have started and MGTOWs across India have started getting connected to each other sharing their own experiences, thoughts and ideas. Even Youtube channels dedicated to MGTOW's have emerged and their views and followers are rising gradually.
A minute percentage of Indian men have become wiser, they have taken the red pill and have realized the dangers of third wave feminism and gynocentrism that have crept into out society. As sane Indian men we have made our peace and have chosen our own path. The path is not to get married and not be a part of a culture and society filled with misandry and gynocentrism.
In our paths we are going to face problems, we will be treated as outcasts and subjected to a lot of taunts and criticisms. But that , is life, my friends. You cannot go and make everyone happy.
At 30, I had decided to follow the MGTOW path and I gave the same direction to my blog. The objective was clear: A blog dedicated to Single India men focusing on their lives, problems, challenges and happiness.
We cannot change the society or our people. Majority of the Indian men are blue pilled beta males who still believe that women, marriage and family is the ultimate source of happiness however I chose to differ, we are a democratic country and everyone has the right to express his/her individual opinion, we all have the right to live our lives the way we want so long as we follow the law of the land.
In the past few years I could not write many posts on my blog however this year I intend to write as many posts as I can. I want to spread the awareness on solo living. Living single and not getting married is not a crime and Indian men should not feel ashamed about it. A single Indian man is married happier than his married counterparts.
So just go ahead and live that solo life and follow the MGTOW Lifestyle.

The Indian MGTOW wishes you all the best.
Do you follow any mgtow WhatsApp group. Can you recommend any, especially where posts are in English