Wednesday, October 27, 2021

MGTOW Life, Mental Peace and a positive mental health

In the last few years a lot of focus has been put on the issue for mental health, especially for men. In India we all know what kind of pressures and difficulties Indian men go through. However MGTOW lifestyle can bring positive benefits especially in terms of mental health.

As Single Indian men who are living a content life we all know that we are not bound by social pressures and are not part of the rat race of the Indian society. We are living for ourselves. Call us selfish or whatever but living for yourself is not a crime.

I have seen married men going though a lot of stress as they have to live to the demands and expectations of  their families and the societies they live in. This does not apply to Indian MGTOWs.

As you start aging you tend to realize the importance of mental peace, solitude and just being yourself. Mental peace is something you cannot buy or purchase. When I come home, I don't have anyone bothering me nor do I have to listen to the  tantrums or taunts of a woman.I don't have to fulfill the expectations of children. Sundays and Public Holidays are peaceful. This is something that majority of the Indian men don't understand.

In the later years of life one of the biggest benefits of a MGTOW lifestyle is mental peace and a positive mental health. Look at married men, barring a few who are financially successful, majority are under undue stress and tension of home loans, car loans,education loans and rising expenses to meet the demands of their current lifestyles. 

As a veteran MGTOW, I have realized the importance of mental peace and in no way I am going to give up this lifestyle. I hope my fellow MGTOW brothers will be understanding this.

Bhaveen Sheth

Indian MGTOW

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