Thursday, December 30, 2021

What happens when Indian men stop playing the role of a protector and provider-Bhaveen Sheth-Indian MGTOW

In India every Indian man is mandated to play the role of a protector and provider, majority being brainwashed from childhood on how they are to become good sons and caring husbands. The path is clear : Be a good and obedient boy, get good grades in school, get admission into a good college and taken up medicine, engineering or management, get a good job in an MNC and get married to the girl of your parents choice.

The Indian man is expected to be a provider and protector. He can't escape the same. Now what happens when some Indian men refuse to do the same? What happens when men decide to stay single or live a MGTOW Lifestyle?

In my experience the society goes all out in humiliating and lambasting such men. Speaking from my  personal experience, I have seen how the society labels such men including myself as losers and failures. We are often criticized for not getting married and having children, that we are not taking our responsibilities seriously? Indian society cannot tolerate men who want to live for themselves.

Now I would like to ask "When did remaining single and living for yourself become a crime"? "And why is the society inconsiderate to single Indian men?" The answer lies in the fact that when a man refuses to undertake mandated slavery  that comes in the form of marriage, being a husband and being a parent is just not acceptable to the society. Especially when majority of the folks are happily willing to undertake slavery.

Breaking the shackles and going against the tide was never easy. Men who live for themselves will always be criticized and be looked down upon. No one wants to see a happy single man , especially in India. A single Indian man eventually if he wants can have a wonderful life. He has no major responsibilities, he is not under the burden of EMI's or home loans. He does not  have to spend on children's education.More important he is at peace. Mental peace is something a lot of Indian men crave for considering the drama and tantrums throw by the wives. This is the reason why our Indian society cannot accept the concept of a happy single Indian man who willingly does not want to get married.

At 39, being single and living a MGTOW lifestyle, I am more than happy. Never succumb to the pressure of getting married.Life your life and be happy.


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