Sunday, January 30, 2022

Speaking on Indian Mens' rights and promoting a MGTOW lifestyle does not make me Misogynist: Bhaveen Sheth-Indian MGTOW

There have been many times when my blog, my write-ups have been criticized and labelled as patriarchal and misogynist. I have often been called an Incel, frustrated right wing Sanghi who writes articles against women. In times of woke feminism and liberalism  it is quite easy to silence voices that are representing the other side of the story.

Firstly I want to clarify that I am not against the female gender. I have many good female friends and work colleagues and totally respect the contribution of women in our homes, workforce and society. What I am against is the gender biased laws, woke feminists and feminazis who wrongly use these laws against men and the constant defamation of Indian men in the media and social media platform.

Speaking for the rights of Indian men and their condition is not a crime. I am exercising  my right of freedom of speech. In India you have the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary, the three pillars of democracy. But just look at the irony of our country. The legislature drafts rules which are against men, the judiciary passes judgements against men while the executive implements the laws that are against the interests of Indian men. Just look at the recent court judgements admonishing and taunting Indian men, just look how police treats Indian men when cases related to marital problems are filed against them. Look at our respective state governments giving handouts freebies to women but offer nothing to men.

The fourth estate known as the Media which should ideally be unbiased and honest in reporting the ground reality prints and publishes everything against men. The problem is that our media is filled with leftist liberals who want to run an agenda of defaming Indian men by portraying them are rapists, pedophiles, violent and abusive wife beating husbands and god knows what.

It is the fifth estate known as the social media that gives us Men the opportunity to share our experiences and our side of the story. When I write I speak on the pathetic condition of Indian men in this country and the treatment meted out to them by the courts, law enforcement agencies and the society. India's woke feminism culture has created major problems for Indian men.

In our country the condition of an Indian man is that of a third class citizen. Even street mongrels and stray cows are given better treatment than us.

When I write, I write on the current gender biased laws prevailing in our judicial systems and how they have destroyed the lives of  hundreds and thousands of Indian men. Indian men since birth are expected to be RAM-SHRAVAN and play the role of provider and protector. An Indian man is judged by the job he holds and the salary he earns. He is expected to get married, bring a wife and raise kids. For the next thirty years of his life, he has to provide for his family and bear all the expenses. He is forced to take loans and be under debt for years to come.

MGTOW lifestyle is a major life saver for rational Indian men. It gives men an alternative path to move away from the society and live your life on your own terms and not as per the expectations of the Indian society. No more marriage, no more a family and no children. You are away from the shackles of the society. You are free, free from the burden of expectations and pressures put by other people.

At 39, I am living that MGTOW lifestyle. Initially circumstances forced to me to take up the single life and later I happily embraced the MGTOW lifestyle. Today I am an keen observer of the happenings in and around the Indian society. My experiences have shaped me. Today I write to create awareness for young Indian men, I write from my own experiences of living the MGTOW lifestyle. 

This is what I wanted to clarify. 

Bhaveen Sheth

Indian MGTOW

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