Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The fight for our AZADI (freedom)

Today I write on our azadi, the azadi for the Indian men.

I take this inspiration from the Kashmiri people who had been fighting for their freedom with the Indian state and security forces.

On similar lines we Indian men will have to fight and assert ourselves. We need to realize that life is not easy for us because we are living in one of the most oppressed societies in the world.Since child hood we have to confirm to the pathetic rules and regulations that have been dictated upon us.Protest and dissent against the same is not tolerated. In case if a man protests against such rules, it is brutally cracked down and the man is subjected to harsh criticism and made an outcast.

We need to realize that that we can't passively watch this oppression and be party to it.

The time has come for the Indian men to go out and claim their azadi. The azadi to live life on their own terms ; the azadi from the emotional and verbal abuse that men are subjected at the hands of the Indian women; azadi from the norms of a society known for its double standards.

Go on my friends , go ahead and fight for your azadi. The journey will be long and arduous but believe me it is worth it.

This is Bhaveen Sheth signing off for the day and will be back with a lot more.

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