Stanley ka Dabba, a movie directed by Amol Gupte showing the Story of an Orphaned boy and his Tiffin Box.
Though It shows the story of School Children and their lives in a School, their Dream, their Aspirations, the underlying theme was to Potray the the lives of exploited underage child workers and Orphaned Children.
Stanley Fernandez plays the role of a School Boy who comes early to School, is friendly with all his classmates, tries his best to impress his teachers and of all things he stays happy in spite of facing all Odds.
Stanley ka Dabba really touched my Heart and it will certainly to all Orphans who will watch this Movie. Its Shows a Lot of problems that are faced by use orphans.
The first thing that Stanley is always asked about his parents and he has no answer to that.He somehow makes up a fictional story about his parents. This is also a common question that is also faced by us Orphans.

As the Movie goes it shows the trials and tribulations of an Orphan. How the Science teacher Ms Iyer despises Stanley and criticizes his innovative efforts that he has put in his Science project and how the Hindi teacher Mr Verma eats the lunches of his students and then one fine day scols, humiliates and Insults Stanley for not bringing his own tiffin box.As an orphan how many times have we been ill treated???? How many times have people criticized even if we have not done anything.

And then there are times when we come across some good Samaritans just like how Stanley finds Miss Rosy who always shows lover, care, understanding and compassion and not to forget appreciation for Stanley. When Stanley does not show up she misses him and tried to know about his whereabouts.In the Movie there is the Principal of the School who most probably knows the background of Stanley and tries to help him out when need. About Stanley's friends that help him out whenever needed and are always ready to share their Lunch knowing the fact that Stanley cannot bring his own lunch box.And at last not to forget about his coworker who works along with him in a run down Restaurant, of how he understands and empathizes with him.
And lastly comes Stanley himself. He is never bogged down in spite of all odds. He always keeps a smiling face and carries on with his life. This is a lesson that we orphans should learn that no matter what happens we must carry off, no one can take our self confidence and courage from us.
This is Bhaveen Sheth signing of for the day, will be back with some more snippets.
Bhaveen Sheth