Monday, September 16, 2019

The Indian Society brainwashes its men into becoming Beta Males aka Simps- Bhaveen Sheth – DOTSIM - INDIAN MGTOW

In many aspects the Indian Society is a wonderful  Institution. It teaches peace tolerance, co-existence, live and let live philosophy. Most of the time the family is a strong backbone to support and nurture an individual.

However with all its positive aspects there are certain negative aspects of the Indian Society. The most harmful of those are to covert its men into beta males/simps/female suckers.

Most of the Indian men hardly grow up, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Burdened with expectations from the time they are born, they are force to fulfill the dreams expectations of their parents. Their formative years go in studying, preparing for entrance and competitive exams graduation, post graduation and seeking jobs in good organizations. Hobbies, sports and extra-cirricular activities do not get any attention. The Indian man does not develop completely.

The Indian society brainwashes its men into false ideology of being a provider and protector. Since childhood his behaviour is molded to suit the needs of the society. The other ideology taught to men is that they need the support of a woman /soul mate/life partner. Other tham a decent job with a good salary having that dream girl as your wife becomes an ultimate goal of your life.

This is where the men bow down and try to change/modify their behaviours to suit the needs of a woman. This is where the Indian man’s self respect takes a hit and self esteem is based upon the validation of a woman. And what validation? You behave to suit the needs of a woman!!! You have to fulfill her needs and expectations!!! This is what a majority of the marriages in India are all about.

Bollywood is another source that falsely glorifies and over hypes love, romance and marriage and so do marriage functions. Every other Indian man thinks that marriage and a wife is the ultimate source of happiness.

The Indian man is hardly left on his own, to think for himself, to realize what he wants. Few men are able to introspect what they really want. Few men travel solo to realize their own hidden potential and what they can really achieve. Individualism is not encouraged by our society.

This is how the Indian society converts its men into beta males and simps. In India, majority of the married Indian men have become second class citizens and unknowingly they have accepted this position.

This is Bhaveen Sheth signing off for the day and promise to be back with a lot more.

Bhaveen Sheth

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