Friday, March 20, 2020

Dysfunctional Families and Dysfunctional marriages: The root to all the problems in India. Bhaveen Sheth-Indian MGTOW

No one is willing to accept but dysfunctional families and dysfunctional marriages are the root to almost all problems in our Indian society. We may deny this or discard it, unfortunately all major problems arising in the life of a person are because of these two factors.

Family and marriage is sacred in India, no one wants to acknowledge that there is something wrong with their own families or their marriages. We don't want to accept that our own families are complicated and marriages are troubled. We can always blame other factors that arise from dysfunctional families and dysfunctional marriages but never address the root of the problem.

Three years back I read the book "The book of light" authored by Jerry Pinto where he sheds a light on dysfunctional families in India through real life stories. I also happened to read stories written by individuals on qoura on having difficult childhoods and faltered marriages and how it affected them deeply, many have shared how bad families and bad marriages destroyed them.

We all have our own problems but if you see a happy family or a successful marriage, you will realize that there is understanding and empathy within all the members. People are willing to support each other in times of distress, they are happy being with each other, they don't compare with outsiders.There is minimum scope for conflict. This is what makes a happy family and a successful marriage.

Unfortunately dysfunctional families and marriages are an existential reality. The collective Indian society does not want to accept that some people are just not made for marriage, they can't take up the responsibilities of being a husband, wife, father or mother. Emotionally they have not grown or they are a behavioral misfit. At one particular age our society wants everyone to get married no matter what.It is the herd mentality that we follow. Now what if someone is not mature enough to handle the responsibilities that come with a marriage? What if someone is not willing to adjust with a new person? This is where the marriage falters. Now due to family and society pressure the person bring a child and then what? You have a dysfunctional marriage and have started a dysfunctional family.

Over the last few years that I have interacted with many people and have traveled across to different places in India, I have realized that dysfunctional families and marriages are indeed a huge problem. No one wants to accept it but it is a reality.

The impact of these problems can be disturbing. People cannot progress in their careers, they find no peace at home, their relationships with others are disturbed, they are emotionally fragile, easily get into fights and arguments, they lack self esteem and confidence and face difficulties in dealing with real life problems.

India is majorly affected by this problem and it is rising everyday especially in the metro cities where relationships have become superficial. It is time we realize and accept it. No one should be forced to get married if he/she is not ready, moving away from a dysfunctional family should not be considered as a crime and walking out from a toxic dysfunctional marriage should be accepted so long as the couple can part amicably, separating on mutual grounds without filling criminal charges on each other.

It is important to bring a closure to toxic relationships even if it is related to the family.

Lear, read, introspect and apply.

Bhaveen Sheth

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