Sunday, July 26, 2020

My dear single Indian men, believe me, marriage is not worth it: Bhaveen Sheth-Indian MGTOW

Greetings from the Indian MGTOW!!!

I hope you all are doing well. Please be safe and protect  yourself. The pandemic is getting severe and cases are rising day by day.

Today's post is exclusively dedicated  to my young readers, men between 25-30 and above who are in a dilemma to get married. There must be a lot pressure on you, be it peer, family or society. But take this advice, an advice from a 38 year old veteran MGTOW, marriage is not worth it, not in today's times of radical feminism and militant feminazism.

You may be thinking a lot. You must be having a dream of having that destination wedding, a luxurious honeymoon, a beautiful married life and most important , a loving and caring partner but believe me it is just not worth it. Loving and  caring partner is a myth. It does not exist, please don't fool yourself. You must be looking at the social media posts of your friends who are happily married and be thinking that one day you too will find you soul mate. Social media is big lie, a distortion of reality. 

Have you asked yourself why you are in demand? Because you are young and in your prime. You have an education and a good degree, a well paying job in a good organization, you are rising in your career and you have a good designation. What if you did not have all this? I guess even the street dog would have never asked for you.

And still there is more that you have to do if you are to get married. You need to buy a house of your own, even buy a car because today's entitled princesses demand it. This will be followed by a dream wedding and an expensive honeymoon for which you will have to sacrifice two or three months salary. Maybe you will have to maintain an expensive lifestyle after getting married because your madamji wife wants it.

Is it worth??? I guess not. Ask what value addition is the woman bringing in your life other than her good looks and fair skin. Can she take care of the home? Can she cook? Can she clean? Can she do the laundry or manage groceries? Is she accommodating? Can she live a simple lifestyle?

All the above questions are difficult to answer. But why make a major lifestyle change if there is no value addition? Why spend a lot money to meet the demands and fulfills the dreams of another person who will never respect and appreciate you?

At the age of 38 I have come across numerous men who are stuck in dysfunctional and dead end marriages. They are not happy. Why do you want to make your life miserable? Do you want to become like them?

Live single, live alone and follow the MGTOW lifestyle. In the journey of life if you come across someone who is compatible and understands you, you can get married. Your choice. However at this moment just don't get married just because everyone is getting married. It is not worth it.

Bhaveen Sheth


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