Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bhaveen Sheth-DOTSIM-Exploring Jewish Synagogues in India

DOTSIM stands for Diary of the Single Indian Male.

My Dear Single Indian Male Friends,

I am a fan of Judaism and an ardent follower of Jewish History, it is amazing to note that Judaism is an old religion in India, as old as 2,500 years old. Jews settled in India mostly on the Coastal Side of India after the fall of the first and second temple in their ancient lands.

I happened to explore their synagogues (Jewish Worship Places/Jewish Temple). One of them happens to be located in Ahmedabad, in the Old City. It is known by the name of Magen Abraham Synagogue and it is constructed 80 years ago. The Jewish population that time in Ahmedabad was considerable, however after the formation of the state of Israel, may jews emigrated there. There are only around 100 or so in Ahmedabad.

I happened to meet the care taker of the Synagouge, Mr.Jacob. He lives near the Synagogue and conducts the weekly prayers. Please find the photos below

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