Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bhaveen Sheth-Diary of the Single Indian Male- Search yourself in your Solitude

My Dear Single Indian Males,

Today i would like to discuss on the topic on knowing yourself. How many of us really know who we really are??? The answer is that only few of us know it.

We have been bought up in a close knit family and community and we become men based on the feedback and perception of our near and dear ones. Very few of us get the opportunity to explore the the world outside our homes and communities. Hence we never our selves that well.

The moment an average Indian male reaches a suitable age, a bride hunt starts and he soon gets married, whether he likes it or not. After this starts a new chapter of marriage where the the man has to take up responsibilities and play the tole of a husband, son and father. All this without truly knowing theyself.

In all my years of traveling around India, i have come across such frustrated Men who are living a life without any goals, men who are just counting days, men who have lost it but are just continue to live because they have the burden of responsibilities.

And so my single male friends, cherish your solitude, maybe god has kept us single so that we can discover our selves, maybe we can realize what we really  want in life, our passions and interests are ignited, the freedom to pursue the activities we want.

It is this solitude that will make you realize who you really are and what we really want. So go ahead and take some time so that you can be at peace with your self and you will realize who you really are and what you really want.

This is Bhaveen Sheth signig off for the day , will be back with a lot more later.


Bhaveen Sheth

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